Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to make Snow Effect (by Hakan Karlı)

Hi dear friends,
Hakan Karlı tell us an easy snow effect method (for Braille Scale) . Thank you Hakan..

1. Lay mud on surface ( I used tamiya mud texture paint. You can use coffee ground, real soil etc )

2. İf I don't put something on the background, it seems something missing. From İtaleri fence set...

3. I put it reverse. Fixed...

4. Let the mud dry for half a day. İf snow mixes with mud, snow would go down
The materials are; sodium bicarbonat, acrylic cement (white glue), water

5. At first cement, then carbonat, at last water.
This is not the right thickness

This is not too

This is right, must be like this

6. Don't work with brush it on mud.

7.Use a spatüla or ruler

8. This is creme chantille

9. Decide what to do and put marks, then let it dry ( If ure in a hurry use hair dryer)

10. When it dries enough

11. Put marks like a track with a spatula

12.Details, try signs

13. Fences and some snow on them (Berlin written on the signboard)

14.Don't forget to put the tank

Hakan Karlı...


  1. Thanks! Wonderful modeling project.

  2. Thank you for comment..I hope it will be usefull..

  3. Bakma sessiz çoğunluğa, bir kaç yere linkin atılmış bile :)

  4. Yakından bakınca dokusu nasıl? Üzerine 1/72 figür koysak sırıtır mı?

  5. gayet güzel duruyor Artarcğım , tavsiye ederim

  6. That is possibly the single most interesting 'how to do' I have ever seen, a really useful post, thanks.

    I liked the look of the 'ready-made' toy truck you used to make the lorry tracks...any chance you could send me a picture of the whole vehicle with details of maker it a Russian or Turkish toy? Old or Modern? plastic?

    Thanks - Hugh

    1. Dear Hugh..
      Here the whole picture..
      This is an old, plastic, made in RPC(Chinese)toy .. An anonymous jeep of yellow point army :)...A toy of my first son..


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