Sunday, July 27, 2014

Heller 1/72 AMX 30/105 ""completed"" (by Özgür Aydın)

Hi there,

Özgür was building an AMX-30, do you remember? here is the fist page : http://miniafv....heller-172-amx-30105-first-page-by.html

Now the second page of the model is completed. Nice effects with different techniques,  thank you for
detailed photos Özgür...

Painting with Tamiya XF-10 Brown

Apply some rust with sponge technique...

A few coats  hair spray...

painting different shades of light gray..

some paint chips with water and medium hard brush

First satin varnish, after washing with raw umper oil paint..

Apply some chipping with sponge technique...

dot filter  with various oil paint..

I used white spirit for oil paint.

a bit of rust streaks..

little metal effect..

and completed model ..


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