Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dragon 1/72 SdKfz. 251/2 Ausf C. with wurfrahmen (by Sancar Buhur)

Hello everyone,

Dragon kfz 251/1 Zu fuss kit...Although its 72 scale, as detail there is no difference than 35 scale.. Highly recommended kit for braille fans..

Its still in progress...

Im not a kind of step by step model builder.. I was planing to add a few more step from building process but I was very lazy...

This model is a model I recommend for experienced modeller..Begineers stay away from this one.. Especially for Zu fuss part there are tiny, breakable parts and small PE parts... You should be very carefull when u build and paint it..

Anyway, Im very happy that I finish it. It had started make me bored.. :)

Normally there was no plate number for this profile but I like to see plate on my models.. Launcher are not fixed..Just added for photographs..

Thank you Sancar...


  1. Beautiful...makes my old Esci one look like a toy!

  2. I've had one of these kits for quite a few years, now, and I still haven't been game enough to crack it. Maybe I ought to soon, before my eyesight packs in in altogether! That is a very pretty model you have there. I hope I can do at least half as well.

  3. Really good work! I finish this kit a few days ago.. mine is from Revell! a lot of compliments!




  4. Thank you for your kind comments..


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