Hello everyone,
Matchbox ... the brand of old modelers, our memories ..
Revell is re-boxed for young modelers. However, young modelers today don’t like the quality of these kits.
Kerem has modelled one of these kits, Sd.Kfz.124 Wespe .
Good job Kerem, for this model ,thank you..

I do get a bit of nostalgia when I see Matchbox model kits. I was still at school when they first came out and although now we might think they are a bit unsophisticated compared to some of the Airfix kits about at the time (which we old even then) they were very exciting. It's also a bit amusing to think that this scale - 1/76 - is also a bit out of fashion - 1/72 being the preferred scale these days. Having said that, it's my greatest wish that Airfix retool and reissue all of it's 'classic' (ie inaccurate and badly fitting) vehicles in 1/72... Especially it's horrendous Sherman! :D