Saturday, October 20, 2012

ICM 1/72 BTR 152S Armored Command Vehicle (By Barış Bayar)


Barış Bayar shared a model. His first trial airbrush. I think a successful result. 

Nice work, thank you Barış ...

parts and meet

assembly OK and unused parts

The main paint

complete camouflage

completed model


  1. It is a simple model but offers a good finish, and something different to do.
    Naturally, it contributes a job well done as usual in your 1/72

  2. Beautiful airbrushed work. And the mud and grime has been masterfuly applied in the right places. Well done!

  3. Great work Barış, I want one! Really effective and authentic looking paint scheme.

    Well done.

  4. what a nice looking kit, I got the ICM BM-24-12 it was the first AFV kit I made and I was happy with the kit even though I messed up its construction... looking at the tea spoon makes me want a cup of tea, good thing I have one in front of me.

  5. An interesting and unusual subject, and a very nice paintjob!


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