Monday, December 30, 2013

Summary of the 2013 (by Erhan Atalay)

Hello dear friends,

The last page of 2013 ... What I did in 2013 about modelling..
A short reminder..I prepared the pages for the year 2012. Now it was traditional.

Happy new year,

Erhan & "miniafv"  team...

January 2013..

February 2013..

March 2013..

(with Hakan Karlı)

April 2013..

May 2013..

June 2013..

(with Hakan Karlı)

July 2013..

August 2013..

September 2013..

October 2013..

Not completed..

November 2013..

December 2013..

pc : here is "Summery of the 2012" http://miniafv....summary-of-2012.html

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Revell 1/72 Sd.Kfz. 7 "Sonderkraftfahrzeug" / by Sancar Buhur

Hello dear modeler,

Sancar Buhur a successful modeler and making wonderful models. I can only share their work in Braille Scale. But he is very well at every scale models. You should review his blog :

And here's his nice work .. Sd.Kfz.7..
Merry Christmas to all..

Monday, December 23, 2013

How to make tarpaulin, tent, canvas, blanket etc.. with epoxy putty ? (by Özgür Aydın)

Today, there's an article from Özgür Aydın. Make cloths (tent, blanket, canvas..) for Braille scale modelling..Thank you for sharing Özgür...
(Thanks for translating Gürkan Özkan)


1. We will use the material seen on the photo

2. There are two sticky material in Epoxy Putty. We cut 2 equal pieces

3.Then pour some powder on the place we will work. We put the pieces in this powder, and blend until the two color mix together

4. We lay the mixed putty in the powder. In this stage we had to use powder while rolling out putty. If we dont the putty will get sticky.

5. After rolling out the putty, we cut pieces. While cutting, we have to be careful. We have to be slowly. Little, soft touches. Otherwise the putty will get deformed

6. To shape the putty, use toothpick, tweezers etc. If the blanket will be wraped on the vehicle , put cling film between the vehicle and putty, give shape and color after it dried.

Özgür Aydın...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Revell 1/72 T-90 review (by Erhan Atalay)


1/72 scale modellers waiting for this kit. Once,  who want to make the T-90 was contented with ACE kit. However, Ace kit has a bad mold. Maybe can be combined with Revell T-72 for a quality model. A hybrid model. (Burak Özdil did it http://miniafv...-ace-russian-t-90-and-revell-burak.html)

In continuation, A new Chinese company "Modellcolect" produced the T-90 version. Beautiful kits,
I and Hakan Karlı tried this kits and we like.
Erhan's T-90A http://miniafv...modelcollect-172-t90
Hakan's T-90 http://miniafv...modelcollect-172-t-90-mbt-cast-turret

And than Zvezda and Revell announced T-90 in early 2013. Revell has won..

Let's see the parts..There are too many parts, nice mold and   clean parts ..

And the hull...Hull isn't taken from Revell T-72 kit. A new molding and the drive hatch is open. Also there are small differences. You can examine the the body comparisons. I also added Modelcollect hull.

You can build three versions, Russian Army T-90 and T-90K, Indian Army T-90S. I chose the Indian version .. T-90S .. like this :

And the turret, build turret is very enjoyable,  only needs a little attention and concentration. Because there are very small parts, but a good fit.

T-90 have two different tracks. T-90 (Russian) track fittings part is short (small sprocket range), T-90S (Indian) track fittings is long (large sprocket range)

T-90 tracks and sprocket wheel :

T-90 tracks and sprocket wheel :

And Revell T-90 kit.. You can build T-90 version but wrong tracks and sprocket whels for T-90S version . Modelcollect tracks more accurate and I can used Modellcollect tracks but I think complete out of the box..

My English is not good. I hope you are understood...
click please for second page http://miniafv....revell-172-t-90-s-indian-army-second.html
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